Friday, September 7, 2012

A Flamingo Labor Day

Here's the sign at the Flamingo Hotel, where I was this Labor Day. I love the pink Flamingo on top!
I absolutely love holidays, so, on occasion, I’ll be blogging a few of my random musings and thoughts about various holidays and celebrations. I don’t only love holidays because of the time off from school (although I’m definitely not complaining about that), I also just love all the festivities.  I even enjoy the minor holidays.  Traditionally the first Monday in September, Labor Day was last weekend.  The holiday has its roots in the Labor Movement of the late 19th century, with the first Labor Day celebrated in 1882.  Although it’s intended to commemorate laborer’s contributions to the nation, Labor Day has also come to represent the end of summer, a chance for people to enjoy a final long weekend of warm weather.   

Now, Labor Day weekend and I have developed a love-hate relationship.  I love barbecues, warm weather and the day off but for me, Labor Day symbolizes the true end of summer.  For years, I would always start school the Tuesday after Labor Day.  That Monday would be my last day of my treasured summer.  Especially in the years before summer reading and assignments, it was my last day of freedom.  The last lazy summer day to swim in the pool, go to a barbecue or just relax with family and friends, savoring each of those precious final moments.

My long weekends are different now.  This year, Labor Day came three weeks into school.  The day off is now more of a treat, but consequently my Labor Days have become polluted by new responsibilities, namely homework I procrastinated on, college applications and volleyball practice.  However, once everything has been taken care of, I can take a few moments to just relax, even if that relaxation is contaminated by new stress and worries.

My Labor Day weekend this year hit a bit of a somber note.  After a funeral (I won’t go into that part), my family and I spent two nights at the Flamingo Hotel, in Santa Rosa, not Las Vegas.  The Flamingo was a fun, slightly funky, hotel that’s been around since the 1950s.  My absolute favorite part of the hotel was the giant, fluorescent sign with a neon pink flamingo on top.  You could see the sign for what seemed like miles.  I remembered driving by the hotel when I was young, always wanting to stay there, and finally I got the chance!  The entire hotel was set on a circular pattern, with a large pool in the center.  My mother kept saying it reminded her of something out of Mad Men, even though I’ve only ever seen a commercial for the show, I couldn’t help but agree.  However, my actual Labor Day was filled with volleyball practice and homework I had left to the last minute.  Although I was able to finish everything in time to visit family friends for dinner, it was a far cry from my former carefree Labor Days, but that’s life, as you grow up, more responsibilities come your way, but more freedoms and opportunities come with those responsibilities.  And that's okay, you just have to accept the change.

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