Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Senior Project

For me, deciding on a senior project proved to be a difficult task.  I wanted to do something exciting and enjoyable that would also push me to broaden my horizons.   I originally wanted to do something related to volleyball, possibly coaching.  But with coaching out of the question, just doing a project related to playing more volleyball seemed like it wasn’t going to be a push for me at all.

So I went back to the drawing board and thought about things I had always wanted to do but never gotten the chance.  Because I absolutely love the ocean and water sports my head immediately filled with possible projects involving water related activities.  

Finally, I decided I would explore scuba diving.  I’ve been once on a very shallow dive when I was about 12 but I have always wanted to go again and become certified.  Although some people may be afraid or feel claustrophobic underwater, I feel peaceful there.  Underwater noises are quieter and everything has a blueish cast, it just feels calmer.   Both my parents are certified and I have grown up hearing exciting stories of their “live-aboard” dive trips where they spent week living in a tiny boat, diving everyday.  I envied their deep water dives with hammerhead sharks in Mexico and close encounters with 3 foot wide sea turtles.  I have always been very interested in the environment and how to protect it.  Scuba diving is a way to gain a first hand experience in the ocean’s coral reefs and ecosystems.  By witnessing coral reef destruction first hand, I feel I would be able to better understand how scientists attempt to restore the damaged marine ecosystems.

To me, the senior project is a way to broaden yourself.  To explore something you’ve always wanted to but hadn’t had the chance.  Becoming scuba certified fit that criteria for me.  I’m excited to begin and can’t wait to start diving!

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